[CentOS] URGENT: libdvdcss install hosed /var

Thu Dec 11 20:35:41 UTC 2008
Rob Townley <rob.townley at gmail.com>

On Thu, Dec 11, 2008 at 12:56 PM, MHR <mhullrich at gmail.com> wrote:
> I am running CentOS 5/2 (latest updates) with the GNOME DE on a 32-bit
> machine (at work).
> I have k3b installed, and I was trying to copy a DVD earlier this
> morning, but k3b said it couldn't read encrypted DVDs.
> So, I installed libdvdcss from rpmforge and restarted k3b.  It hung
> the system.  I rebooted, and / had been damaged.  After running e2fsck
> from the repair prompt, I rebooted and a whole slew of errors
> revolving around various /var directories that did not ecist occurred.
> I have been trying to repair /var, and so far with a fair modicum of
> success, but I've hit an interesting wall - two, actually.
> 1) The gdm refuses to come up.  It claims that "Server Authorization
> directory (daemon/ServAuthDir) is set to /var/gdm, but this does not
> exist...."
> However:
> # ll -d /var/gdm
> drwxrwx--T 2 root gdm 4096 Dec 11 10:31 /var/gdm
> # ll /var/gdm
> total 8
> -rw-r----- 1 root root 45 Nov 26 10:47 :0.Xauth
> -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 63 Dec 11 09:14 :0.Xservers
> This is identical to my backup system (which is not surprising - I set
> up the dir and copied the files from here - was that a bad idea?).
> 2) The following daemons fail to start: auditd, NFS statd, avahi and
> HAL.  I've tried to pin down why the avahi daemon won't start because
> it keeps logging permissions errors trying to create the pid file
> /var/run/avahi-daemon//pid, but the setup of /var /var/run and
> /var/run/avahi-daemon are all identical to this (backup) machine.  Any
> suggestions?
> Or is there a better, more comprehensive repair facility available?
> BTW, OT: Does anyone know why this might have happened?  I have all
> this installed at home, no problems whatsoever (libdvdcss works
> seamlessly with all my DVD tools, including k3b).
> Thanks!
> mhr
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Was SELINUX in enforcing mode?  Rebuilding directories and files that
previously had mandatory labels seems like it would cause problems
until labels were reapplied.