I have a Centos server that is running BIND and has IPv6 global addresses. I have entered a number of AAAA records into this copy of BIND in a local view and zone (tld is htt). Over IPv4, I have no trouble with nslookup ('nslookup -' and 'nslookup -'). I get the AAAA records back. But if I try to use the IPv6 address of the system I get a time out. Both from nslookup and from ping6. I setup /etc/resolv.conf as shown at: http://docsun.cites.uiuc.edu/sun_docs/C/solaris_9/SUNWaadm/SYSADV5/p13.html (the only hit I got on configuring resolv.conf for an IPv6 DNS server). I have turned off both ip6tables and iptables so it is not a firewall issue. Even 'nslookup - <ipv6 addr>' does not work. I seem to recall a problem with nslookup supporting udp over IPv6, but ping6 should not have that problem. This is all on the single system running BIND. I figure i got to get that working before worrying about other systems!