[CentOS] Any way to reduce CPU use of OpenSSH?

Fri Dec 12 10:15:55 UTC 2008
Peter Kjellstrom <cap at nsc.liu.se>

On Thursday 11 December 2008, Steve Snyder wrote:
> On my CentOS v5.2 server (dual Pentium4) the OpenSSH daemon stands out
> as being the most CPU-intensive of the applications running, It's used
> 176 minutes of CPU time in the last 2 days alone.

Putting 176 cpu-minutes in context, that's 3% of your available cpu-time. What 
exactly is the problem here?


> Is there any way to lower the CPU utilization without compromising
> security? (I.e. without using a less processor-intensive
> encrypt/decrypt algorithm?)
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