[CentOS] regarding vpn server for 1500 clients

Fri Dec 19 19:06:33 UTC 2008
Les Mikesell <lesmikesell at gmail.com>

Robert Moskowitz wrote:
>>>>> How about lots of GRE tunnels? :-)
>>>> I've done that with a few connections - mostly connecting to Cisco 
>>>> routers to pass multicast streams.  I'm not sure how it would scale up 
>>>> in terms of the interface numbers and managing routes but it should work.
>>> What was the network environment like that the tunnels went over?
>> Some over the internet, some private, but always with fixed src/dest 
>> addresses and nothing going over them that couldn't have run unencrypted 
>> over the internet.
> RED (Random Early Discard) was specifically developed and deployed to 
> break flows that lacked congestion control. CeeUceeME was the big 
> culprit at the time. Multicast streams could have a lot of data lose if 
> RED is needed to manage congestion.

Where would this happen - and would it happen to the encapsulating GRE 
packets or just bare udp multicast?

   Les Mikesell
    lesmikesell at gmail.com