[CentOS] dkim-milter-2.7.2 and Centos 5.2

Mon Dec 29 13:31:18 UTC 2008
Kai Schaetzl <maillists at conactive.com>

Gregory P. Ennis wrote on Sun, 28 Dec 2008 15:58:53 -0600:

> Great link but he does not have the lastest version of dkim for i386.
> Do you have any experience with dkim and the revisions?

I don't use it. There's a src.rpm, so you can rebuild it. You will need 
gcc for this as well. This tutorial by the same person who built those 
rpms might be of general help with dkim-milter: 
You could also contact the rpm builder and ask for an i386 rpm of 2.7.2. 
After all, he asks for feedback.


Kai Schätzl, Berlin, Germany
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