[CentOS] 2 default gateway?

Mon Dec 29 21:11:04 UTC 2008
Frank Cox <theatre at sasktel.net>

On Mon, 29 Dec 2008 21:58:09 +0100
Kai Schaetzl wrote:

> Mario wrote on Mon, 29 Dec 2008 19:55:29 +0100:
> > I've got 2 internet connection, one is direct connected to my server and the 
> > second i use by default gateway. How can I create 2 default gateway?
> you can't, that's why it is called "default". You can add gateways to each of 
> your interfaces by adding GATEWAY= to the respective ifcfg file in 
> sysconfig/network-scripts.

I have wondered how a load balancing router like the Dlink DI-LB604 works.
This router has two WAN hookups so you can attach two modems to it and it
does some magic to route your outbound connections between the two Internet

I, too, have two Internet services (one cable and one DSL) and I actually
purchased that Dlink router with the objective of being able to use both of my
connections at the same time, painlessly.  It almost worked, too -- you can read
my experience here:


I still have that router gathering dust in my basement as it appears the ssh
issue is an insoluble problem.

Since that plan didn't work out, at the moment Isimply have two separate
routers on my network, one for each of my Internet services, and set different
default gateways on the different computers to share the load somewhat that way.

It would be nice to get everything to work more like that Dlink router was
supposed to work, though.

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