[CentOS] rsync question

Sun Feb 3 00:34:57 UTC 2008
Jerry Geis <geisj at pagestation.com>

I have an external USB that I backup to. Rsync uses a bunch of memory
in the process. So I thought I would build the file list and output that to
a file then let rsync read the file names from a file list (hopefully 
not taking TONS of memory)...

I do the command:

rsync --only-write-batch=rsync_file_list -a /home
./rsync_file_list.sh .

seems good and some files do copy. however I get
a bunch of messages like:

(No batched update for "home/jerry/signisam.nx")

and then this file is not copied.

Why is that and how can I get it to copy. This all works fine
when I execute "rsync -a /home ." as I normally do.

