[CentOS] Kickstart stops with dialog about which networking device - how to avoid

Wed Feb 6 00:10:33 UTC 2008
Ross Cavanagh <ross-cavanagh at bm-sms.co.jp>

Jay Hilliard wrote:
> In your pxelinux config file:
> add ksdevice=bootif
> also add "IPAPPEND 2" to the end of the file
> In your kickstart file, don't specify a device:
>   "network --bootproto dhcp"
> -Jay
> Karl R. Balsmeier wrote:
>> yeah, it can be a bit daunting at first, but the below info is 
>> right.  also consider down the road if you are using PXE/DHCP that 
>> there can be conflicts, so PXE to eth0, kickstart to eth1, that sort 
>> of thing.
>> -krb
>> nate wrote:
>>> Keith Christian wrote:
>>>> PXE begins the install with DHCP, so Kickstart should already know 
>>>> which of
>>>> eth0, eth1, etc. to use.
>>> add ksdevice=eth0 to your kernel parameters, or eth1 if you want
>>> to use eth1. This works for me anyways.
>>> nate
There is some handy information here too if you need it.

