[CentOS] kickstart install NVIDIA binary driver

Fri Feb 8 16:12:16 UTC 2008
Jerry Geis <geisj at pagestation.com>

Hi all,

I am wanting to add to my working kickstart post section
grabbing the NVIDIA binary and installing it.

I can grab the file thats not the problem. I can use the
--x-module-path to pass to the binary installer...

however, How do I get the correct module path, kernels are
added the the yum update, and a new one comes along and
wish to account for that. What is the correct way to know
which path to provide to the installer.

Process is in kickstart post:
yum -u update
copy NVIDIA binary
init 3
install the NVIDIA binary with either the current kernel module path
or if yum update grabbed a new kernel then use that module path..

Also is there anyway in the post section to do do a "CTRL+ALT+F3"

