[CentOS] Making FORWARD_IPV4=YES permanent / DHCP multiple routers

Tue Feb 12 19:04:58 UTC 2008
Shawn O'Shea <shawn at ll.mit.edu>

Tim Alberts wrote:
> First,
> I'd like to configure my system to forward ip, to act as a gateway for
> my network.  I've always used a script during startup to do this:
> echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward
> iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o ${UPLINK} -j SNAT --to ${IP_NAT}
For ip forwarding, edit /etc/sysctl.conf and make sure you have a line 
that says
net.ipv4.ip_forward = 1

For iptables, if you already have a working iptables config, just run:
service iptables save
This will create an /etc/sysconfig/iptables for you. Then make sure that 
the system loads up these rules on boot with:
chkconfig iptables on

Re: your dhcp question below...you can do what you list (the man page 
[man dhcp-options] and RFC2132 say they should be listed in order of 
preference) but the question really is, "What will the DHCP client do 
with multiple IPs in this option?" because I could see this behavior 
being inconsistent.

> This works fine, however I want this permanent so I don't have to run
> the script on startup.  I have the firewall setup with SNAT fine, but
> when I write the file /etc/sysconfig/network with the line
> 'FORWARD_IPV4=YES' it still doesn't enable the ip forwarding after boot?
> cat /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward
> 0
> So how do I do this?
> Second,
> In DHCP, you can specify multiple DNS servers:
> option domain-name-servers,,;
> can you also do this with routers?
> option routers;
> so that if one is down, the network PC's can fail over to another?
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