[CentOS] Gettiing the latest Firefox and Thunderbird for CentOS 5.1

Fri Feb 15 23:57:37 UTC 2008
Michael A. Peters <mpeters at mac.com>

Johnny Hughes wrote:
> Edward Diener wrote:
>> Is there any 3rd party repository for which I can get the latest 
>> versions of Firefox and Thunderbird for CentOS 5.1 and install them 
>> using yum ?
> to be honest, I am currently using the firefox2 and thunderbird2 
> binaries from mozilla.com ... they are fairly easy to install and keep 
> updated on a limited number of machines.

but their build of firefox is linked against a different libstdc++ so 
some browser plugins (ie icedtea and xine-plugin) will not work with 
their build, unless you rebuild them against the older libstdc++

That's really too bad - because in my experience, the mozilla builds are 
more stable than the rebuilds of F8 src.rpm's that I'm using. Well - hasn't crashed on me yet, but I've only been running it a few 
days ( rpm install would often crash when opening a dialog box)