[CentOS] Hardened PHP? Suhosin patch?

Sat Feb 16 03:45:28 UTC 2008
Michael A. Peters <mpeters at mac.com>

Niki Kovacs wrote:
> Johnny Hughes a écrit :
>> http://www.hughesjr.com/content/view/21/1/
>> That explains how to install in centos-4 and centos-5.
> Thanks for the link. And thanks for a few interesting reads along the 
> line. Since I have to rebuild PHP anyway (to include php-xslt, which 
> apparently can't be obtained otherwise), I might as well use the patch.
> Aside: I'm planning a short article on CentOS for the french magazine 
> Linux Pratique. May I use/quote parts of your Linux magazine article?

You may already understand this - but note that the patch to php is one 
different than the module. Using both together gives maximum benefit, 
but neither the php patch nor the loadable module requires use of the 
other. They do different things.