[CentOS] Support Tools

Sat Feb 16 20:52:02 UTC 2008
Jim Perrin <jperrin at gmail.com>

On Feb 16, 2008 3:37 PM, Thorsten Kampe <thorsten at thorstenkampe.de> wrote:
> Hi,
> does something like the SUSE/Novell ntsutils (previously called
> "supportconfig") or Microsoft's MPS Reports exist for CentOS or Red
> Hat Enterprise Linux? I mean a program that reads and exports various
> configurations and parameters to facilitate technical support.

There's sosreport in centos 5.1, formerly sysreport in previous
versions. It reports on a variety of things and will even package up
configs so that support folks can see what the user has.

During times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act.
George Orwell