[CentOS] Centos Livecd

Wed Feb 20 22:16:10 UTC 2008
Sergio Belkin <sebelk at gmail.com>

2008/2/20, Milton Calnek <milton at calnek.com>:
>  Sergio Belkin wrote:
>  >
>  > Thanks for all of your comments, really I was looking for an easy way
>  > of install Centos downloading one only CD....
> That's a totally different question.  You must be a ubuntu user...

XD No, no, I'm not a Ubuntu user ;) in fact, I prefer Mandriva, or
even Fedora, if you are talking about desktop  systems... I am pretty
sick of the Ubuntu hype...

It happens that in my job I suggested to change from Fedora to Centos
(installed on servers) and my boss liked the idea of having a free Red
Hat Enterprise clon. But, I had some problems with mirrors using
netinstall method, so I was not looking an dummy installation, I
repeat I was looking for one CD install. It's different when you can
get a minimal system installed (for example Mandriva has a mini CD,
with a bare way of installation adn then you can download what you can
install what you want, and please, don't say me now: "So use
Mandriva", I am interested of using Centos on servers). We have one of
the main servers running Centos 5.1 and we will move others from
Fedora to Centos... using Xen too :)

>  There are several way of doing this.  My favorite is to put the initrd
>  and vmlinuz files onto an existing bootable usb (RIP Linux).
>  Specify a kickstart file or specify method=ask on the kernel options.
>  When I'm working on a machine where the BIOS doesn't support USB boot,
>  I use CD #1, specify kickstart/method on the command line.

I sounds interesting...thanks

>  --
>  Milton Calnek BSc, A/Slt(Ret.)
>  milton at calnek.com
>  306-717-8737
>  --
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