[CentOS] Re: NTP server

Fri Feb 1 21:29:59 UTC 2008
John R Pierce <pierce at hogranch.com>

Scott Silva wrote:
> on 2/1/2008 12:03 PM Dennis McLeod spake the following:
>> XP command line:
>> net time \\servername  returns what?
>> Perhaps the response will give a clue.
>> To set it:
>> net time \\servername /set /yes
> Net time is only used to set time from a domain controller, not an ntp 
> server.
> They use two completely different protocols.


    NET TIME /SETSNTP:ip-of-ntp-server

WILL set the windows 'internet time' server IP.


will show the current 'internet time' server(s).

note that the default Windows NTP client is really braindead, it just 
'sets' the system clock once a day, its not a proper NTP 
implementation.   for most users, this is fine, but realize oddities can 
happen like the clock being set back a few seconds such that a given 
time happens twice.