[CentOS] Re: RAID Hot Spare

Sat Feb 2 00:02:10 UTC 2008
Scott Silva <ssilva at sgvwater.com>

on 2/1/2008 3:57 PM Dean Maluski spake the following:
> I've googled this question without a great deal of information.
> Monday I'm rebuilding a Linux server at work. Instead of purchasing 3
> drives for this system I purchased 4 with intent to create a hot spare.
> Here is my usual setup which I'll do again but with a hot spare for each
> partion.
> Create /dev/md0 mount point /boot RAID1 3 drives with 1 hot spare
> Create two more raid setups
> /dev/md1 mount point /	RAID5 3 drives with 1 hot spare
> /dev/md2 mount point /home  RAID5 3 drives with 1 hot spare
> Now do I create partions of equal size for each set then if I remember
> correctly when creation the RAID there is a check box for hot spare. Do
> I just marry the 3 equal partions, click the check box and assume the
> system will find the partition of equal size and use it when needed?
> Makes no sense to me.
> Of couse will be creating RAID0 swap but leaving that out of the
> question for obvious reasons.
Your raid0 swap will be a weak link if your system is swapping when the drive 

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