[CentOS] cpu type

Sun Feb 3 12:30:39 UTC 2008
Steve Searle <steve at stevesearle.com>

Around 12:21pm on Sunday, February 03, 2008 (UK time), Jimmy Bradley scrawled:

> On Sun, 2008-02-03 at 12:12 +0000, Steve Searle wrote:
> > Around 12:06pm on Sunday, February 03, 2008 (UK time), Jimmy Bradley scrawled:
> > 
> > > and open it up to find out. Is there a command entered by way of the
> > > terminal window that will tell me what kind of cpu I have? I want to say
> > > that it's an AMD sempron 3000+, but I'm not sure. 

I think you are correct.  The appriate line from my 64 bit machine is:

model name      : AMD Athlon(tm) 64 Processor 3200+
> While I'm on the subject, I have a 64bit board that I haven't installed
> in a case yet. Plus I still need to get a cpu for it. My question is,
> would I really gain anything right now by going to a 64bit machine? Sure
> I know I would if I was doing graphics and multimedia, but I'm just
> doing record keeping,plus the other regular computer stuff, finances and
> email, and so on.

My _opinion_:  I don't think it is worth it.  I run 32 bit Fedora on my
64 bit workstation, I found there were too many problems for me getting
64 bit version of all the software I wanted (although I believe these
can be overcome with enough effort).  It also seems to me on my machine
there was no noticeable difference between the performance of the 32 and
64 bit versions of the OSes.

On the other hand, if the money isn't that important, you might want to
get a 64bit processor for future proofing.



A:  Because it messes up the order in which people normally read text.
Q:  Why is top-posting a bad thing?

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