On Sun, Feb 03, 2008 at 08:36:28PM +0000, John Bowden enlightened us: > > Around 12:06pm on Sunday, February 03, 2008 (UK time), Jimmy Bradley > scrawled: > > > and open it up to find out. Is there a command entered by way of the > > > terminal window that will tell me what kind of cpu I have? I want to say > > > that it's an AMD sempron 3000+, but I'm not sure. > > > > cat /proc/cpuinfo > > > > Steve > > This command tells you what CPU you are running, but not what CPU the > motherboard is capable of tacking. That depends on the type of CPU socket is > on the motherboard and sometimes the BIOS revision. When the machine boots up > and displays the bios screen it should display a longish line of letters and > text at the bottom or top of the screen, (in between the memory / hard drive > info). Make a note of it and do a Google search on it will give you the > motherboards manufacturer and bios revision. If the board is out of a HP, Del > or other branded manufacturer then you can use software to interrogate the > motherboard and bios to get this info. I don't know of any Linux commands to > do this though. /usr/sbin/dmidecode Matt -- Matt Hyclak Department of Mathematics Department of Social Work Ohio University (740) 593-1263