[CentOS] strategy/technology to backup 20TB or more user's data

Wed Feb 6 07:06:22 UTC 2008
Peter Kjellstrom <cap at nsc.liu.se>

On Wednesday 06 February 2008, ankush grover wrote:
> Hi Friends,
> I am currently using Samba on Centos 4.4 as a domain member of AD 2003
> with each user having a quota of 2GB(no of users is around 2,000). Now

This mean you can run several smaller filesystem and (among other things) run 
backups in parallell.

> the management wants to increase the quota to 10GB with this there
> will be more than 20TB of data to be backup weekly which will take
> lots of hours. Currently Veritas backup software is used to backup
> data on tapes.

I think you'll want a backup-software that does fully incremental backups. 
That is. We use IBM-TSM for this and I'm quite sure it would easily backup, 
say, 4x 5TB (assuming four nice filesystems on decent hardware). ...of course 
this depends on how much your users modify their data each day.

A 2nd alternative is to don't do traditional backups at all. Go either 
multiple replicas (probably not what you want) or a storage system that can 
do cheap snapshots and keep a weeks worth of daily snapshots alive.

Good luck,
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