[CentOS] Samba GUI interface

Thu Feb 7 09:37:40 UTC 2008
Ralph Angenendt <ra+centos at br-online.de>

Andreas Kuntzagk wrote:
> Hi,
> > There is Yast [from Novell] that runs under CentOS. It's being
> > maintained by Oracle and is open-source.
> > 
> > http://oss.oracle.com/projects/yast/
> I know yast has been the sysadmin tool of Suse for a long time. Didn't
> know it's maintained by Oracle now. How is that different from the yast
> on SLES 10 for example?

Na, SuSE is still maintaining their own version of yast - oracle "just"
ported yast to "Enterprise Linuxes" (RHEL, CentOS, "Unbreakable").

Looks like it is based on the yast from SLES9.

Mind that this version of yast is only for CentOS 4.

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