[CentOS] package 'synchronization' for multiple systems

Thu Feb 7 18:45:09 UTC 2008
Lorenzo Quatrini <lorenzo at gmk.it>

Michael Semcheski ha scritto:
> On Feb 7, 2008 1:14 PM, Tim Alberts <talberts at msiscales.com> wrote:
>> I'm setting up multiple systems and ideally I want the same package
>> configuration on all of them.  So I'm going through yum and rpm queries
>> manually to try and get this done.  There must be a better way.  Is
>> there a way to use yum or rpm to configure multiple systems with the
>> same packages?
> What I've done (and I'm on the lookout for a better way) is to right a
> script that uses ssh to run yum on each machine.
> If there is a way to query yum for the list of installed packages,
> that might suffice.  Query each computer for the list of installed
> packages, get the union of those lists, and install that on each
> machine.
> Unfortunately, I'm not familiar enough with yum to know if this is possible.
> Mike

I guess the best way of doing that is via kickstart

I was thinking about yum... you could do

yum list installed | tail -n +4 | awk '{ print $1 }'

but still there is some work to do.
Maybe "rpm -qa" is a better way to have the list, but still, if you have to 
install multiple systems at once, I guess that kickstarting is the best way.


Lorenzo Quatrini