[CentOS] local root exploit

Mon Feb 11 11:12:01 UTC 2008
Johnny Hughes <johnny at centos.org>

Valent Turkovic wrote:
> I saw that there is a local root exploit in the wild.
> http://blog.kagesenshi.org/2008/02/local-root-exploit-on-wild.html
> And I see my centos box still has:  2.6.18-53.1.4.el5
> yum says there are no updates... am I safe?
> Valent.

Define safe :)

The RHEL-5 (and therefore the centos-5) kernels ARE susceptible to this 
issue, so no you are NOT safe.

Here is the upstream bug:


However, this issue is actively being worked by the upstream provider 
and a fix will be released VERY soon.

This issue is not remotely exploitable and initially requires local user 
access to gain root.

Here is more info on this issue as well:


Johnny Hughes

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