[CentOS] Interim RPMs for vmsplice() issue

Tue Feb 12 05:49:12 UTC 2008
Michael A. Peters <mpeters at mac.com>

Michael A. Peters wrote:

> I would like to suggest if you could is that you also make 53.1.4 (maybe 
> put 53.1.4.cve20080600 as the release tag) patched available since a lot 
> of people have to run 53.1.4 because of broken nfs in 53.1.6

untested by me but I think attached spec file and patch would do it.

install the 53.1.4 source.rpm
put the patch in rpm/SOURCES/
put the spec in rpm/SPECS/ (replacing spec file from centos src.rpm)

rpmbuild --nodeps -bs kernel-2.6.spec

That *should* give you a src.rpm you can then build in mock if you need 
to make patched 53.1.4
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