[CentOS] Re: Disk partitions and LVM limits - SUMMARY

Thu Feb 14 04:37:33 UTC 2008
Peter Kjellstrom <cap at nsc.liu.se>

On Wednesday 13 February 2008, Peter Blajev wrote:
>   - fdisk creates partitions up to 2.1TB in size. Use "parted" instead.

The difference is not fdisk vs. parted. It's MSDOS-MBR vs. GPT (different 
types of partition tables). But since fdisk doesn't support GPT you'll have 
to use parted. Note though, parted fails equally bad if you use it with 

> Your options are:
>   - If the storage is connected to a RAID controller you can use the
> controller to create smaller logical partitions. Then combine them with
> LVM.

While this is possible it often causes performance problems (because linux now 
schedues IO independently on two devices which happen to be the same 

>     If you don't like parted you can still use fdisk to create a few 2TB
> partitions and then use LVM.

I don't think that'll work, you can only have a MSDOS-MBR on a device smaller 
than 2T, it does not matter if your individual partitions are <2T.

/Peter K
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