Just replying to myself for this - I realised that after a 'failed' boot, it would also overwrite the boot logs when the system came back up with the correct kernel/grub config ;) I've made a few changes and added a bit more to the script - and I think its about ready to use. ----------------------- Begin script --------------------- #!/bin/bash sleep 30 # Gather some system info: echo "System booted at `date`." > /root/bootinfo cat /proc/version >> /root/bootinfo echo "------ Dmesg start ------" >> /root/bootinfo dmesg >> /root/bootinfo echo "------ lsmod start ------" >> /root/bootinfo lsmod >> /root/bootinfo echo "------ ifconfig start ------" >> /root/bootinfo ifconfig >> /root/bootinfo echo "------ route info ------" >> /root/bootinfo route -n >> /root/bootinfo echo "------ mii-tool start ------" >> /root/bootinfo mii-tool -v eth0 >> /root/bootinfo echo "------ mounted drives ------" >> /root/bootinfo mount >> /root/bootinfo echo "------ Disk space ------" >> /root/bootinfo df -h >> /root/bootinfo echo "------ End troubleshooting ------" >> /root/bootinfo # Test if we have network connectivity. ping -c 1 -n <gateway> > /dev/null if [ $? -eq "0" ]; then # We can ping the gateway! echo "Network ok." exit 0 else # We have no network connectivity :( echo "No Network!" mv /root/bootinfo /root/bootinfo.failed cp -f /etc/grub.conf-good /etc/grub.conf reboot fi -- Steven Haigh Email: netwiz at crc.id.au Web: http://www.crc.id.au Phone: (03) 9001 6090 - 0412 935 897