[CentOS] Hardened PHP? Suhosin patch?

Sat Feb 16 11:28:47 UTC 2008
Johnny Hughes <johnny at centos.org>

Niki Kovacs wrote:
> Johnny Hughes a écrit :
>> http://www.hughesjr.com/content/view/21/1/
>> That explains how to install in centos-4 and centos-5.
> Thanks for the link. And thanks for a few interesting reads along the 
> line. Since I have to rebuild PHP anyway (to include php-xslt, which 
> apparently can't be obtained otherwise), I might as well use the patch.
> Aside: I'm planning a short article on CentOS for the french magazine 
> Linux Pratique. May I use/quote parts of your Linux magazine article?


Sure, you can quote anything from that article that you want.

Johnny Hughes

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