[CentOS] Gettiing the latest Firefox and Thunderbird for CentOS 5.1

Sun Feb 17 06:19:58 UTC 2008
Niki Kovacs <contact at kikinovak.net>

Michael A. Peters a écrit :
> That's really too bad - because in my experience, the mozilla builds are 
> more stable than the rebuilds of F8 src.rpm's that I'm using. Well - 
> hasn't crashed on me yet, but I've only been running it a few 
> days ( rpm install would often crash when opening a dialog box)

As an aside: I've been really annoyed by browser instability problems, 
since my CentOS desktops are installed in public libraries which also 
somewhat serve as publicly accessible internet cafés. Tried any version 
of Firefox (1.5.x, 2.0.x, 3.0beta), to no avail.

I solved the problem by using the Seamonkey browser, complete with 
Flash, MPlayer and Java plugins: same rendering engine, lighter on 
resources, much more stable. I started from an FC8 specfile, tweaked 
some defaults, then built it with the --disable-mailnews and the 
--disable-composer options, so I got only the browser instead of the 
whole Internet suite. As for the desktop environment (no troll intended, 
please), I simply switched from GNOME to XFCE, which has basically the 
same functionalities, without bloat nor weird dependencies. One very 
nice possibility is the XFCE Kiosk mode, which simply prevents users 
from defacing the default configuration.

my two centimes d'euro :oD


PS: if you want to try it out --> 
Caution: the repo is currently being built, and subject to (daily) change.