[CentOS] What Fedora Version (for Repo use)

Mon Feb 18 11:14:55 UTC 2008
Peter Kjellstrom <cap at nsc.liu.se>

On Monday 18 February 2008, Johnny Hughes wrote:
> Chris wrote:
> > What Fedora version equates to Cent 5? I would like to use the Fedora
> > repos (if possible). Please advise.
> You can't just use fedora produced RPMS on centos.  The supporting
> libraries are not the same.  When the upstream SRPMS (source files) used
> to create CentOS are produced (in this case RHEL-5 sources from from a
> pre-release of Fedora Core 6), there is a fairly small window of time
> when MOST of the supporting libraries are the same.
> By the time both distros are released however, the libraries have
> usually changed to the point that you SHOULD NEVER use fedora RPMS
> directly on CentOS.

I completely agree and would just like to add that what you _should_ be 
looking for when repo/rpm-hunting is rpms/repos for el5. Repos don't provides 
different builds for different el-clones...


> If you really want functionality that is not in CentOS, RPMForge,
> ATRPMS, EPEL, or KBS-CentOS-Extras but is in fedora, then you should
> rebuild the SRPMS against the CentOS libraries.
> Thanks,
> Johnny Hughes
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