[CentOS] Reg. VNC server and Windows and Centos interworking

Sat Feb 23 10:32:25 UTC 2008
centos at likley.co.uk <centos at likley.co.uk>

----- Original Message ----- 
From: Padmaja
To: CentOS mailing list
Sent: Saturday, February 23, 2008 10:14 AM
Subject: [CentOS] Reg. VNC server and Windows and Centos interworking

Hi all,

I have a Windows XP PC and a Centos PC (Centos 4.3 release, kernel- 
2.6.9-34.EL) which are in the same LAN. Currently, I am able to use VNC 
server on the centos to view the Windows PC, but not able to view the Centos 
PC from the Windows PC. This applies for even file sharing also. The samba 
server is running and I can view the windows network from Centos PC but in 
the Windows network, not able to view the Centos PC. Also not able to print 
from Centos to the LAN printer. Any help is greatly appreciated.

Thank You,


Have you started vnc on the Centos system - just type vncserver on the 
command line.


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