[CentOS] Internet Load Balancing and Failover

Mon Feb 25 03:06:16 UTC 2008
Indunil Jayasooriya <indunil75 at gmail.com>

>  > Does anyone have any experience connecting two or more DSL/Cable modems to
>  > a Linux box to provide load balancing and failover?

what abot thses?




pls try

>  I haven't tried this on linux but it appears trivial in OpenBSD:
>  http://www.openbsd.org/faq/pf/pools.html#outgoing
>  I personally prefer OpenBSD for firewalls/gateways over Linux.

It is the smae to me.

>  I love linux for pretty much all purposes except firewalls/gateways,
>  and I don't use OpenBSD for anything other than firewalls/gateways.
>  Mainly because of packet filter(pf), it's a wonderful tool.

It is the smae to me.

Thank you
Indunil Jayasooriya