Dennis McLeod wrote: > I belong to several lists regarding mail. That world is pretty darned > complex and many times spread first between windows and 'nix servers and > then divides out into the various 'nix flavors and the few winders options. I know how that feels :D > As a side, I could see blossoming a Wiki area specific to email which might > eventually fill out to an extremely robust set of how to's for installations > of what amounts to being some of the very hardest things that I've > accomplished with CentOS. Yes SpamAssassin is a powerful tool, but for > instance the default setup that comes out of the box is fairly weak. A trip > to the SpamAssassin site will just leave you mostly confused and reading for > hours only to find out that what you think is good might not be applicable > to your system. Given that, I think it might be a good idea to tackle some of this on the wiki itself rather than needing a list for it. One thing that we are working on at the moment is to try and get a commenting system working on the wiki - so if drive-by users have comments / issues / feedback or even a contribution of some sort in content - they can drop that in there with a near zero barrier to entry. The Editorial Team on the wiki can then evaluate that for inclusion in the main article or leave it as a comment. > I think a fair number of the members of this list and the users of CentOS > are using it in a server environment and require email. And basically, if > you require email that is not exclusively internal to a network, spam is a > huge battle which requires constant time... and I mean hours and hours and > hours and hours of time. I just spent about 4 days on this again this past > week. I am about to take the plunge into this area after about 2 years and completely rework my own anti-spam system. Hope to take loads of notes and get them onto the wiki. > I would offer to do it here, but I fear I don't have enough bandwidth as I > think a list like this would be a huge success, if people knew it existed. We have plenty of resources within the CentOS setup. I dont see hosting something of this nature being too hard. However, i think it might be important to work out what we want to host. IMHO, email is too niche an area to have a dedicated list for it. Something like NetworkServices might be a better target. -- Karanbir Singh : : 2522219 at icq