[CentOS] Xen clock drift

Akemi Yagi

amyagi at gmail.com
Wed Jan 9 16:15:10 UTC 2008

On Jan 9, 2008 7:41 AM, Luke Dudney <listmail at lukedudney.com> wrote:
> At least, that is the theory. Empirically, using the vmware tools time
> sync feature will push a slow VM's clock forwards, but it won't push a
> fast clock backwards. I'm yet to see a "best practice" for ensuring
> proper time synchronisation within VMware VMs, but for now, NTP seems
> the best option.
> cheers
> Luke

A note by Johnny Hughes in http://bugs.centos.org/view.php?id=2189
(comment 6644):

"As a side note ... if the clock GAINS (runs to fast) time you should
be able to fix it with this:


(by setting the correct host.cpukHz) and vmware tools should adjust a
clock that is too slow.

Also see this blog entry concerning host.cpukHz:

http://blog.autoedification.com/2006/11/vmware-guest-clock-runs-fast.html "


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