[CentOS] Firewall frustration

Fri Jan 4 14:50:56 UTC 2008
Robert Moskowitz <rgm at htt-consult.com>

Marko A. Jennings wrote:
> On Thu, January 3, 2008 8:18 am, Robert Moskowitz wrote:
>> Steven Haigh wrote:
>>> On 03/01/2008, at 3:34 PM, Robert Moskowitz wrote:
>>>> Christopher Chan wrote:
>>>>>> I spent much of the past 24 hours trying to find out how to set up
>>>>>> iptables for firewall routing WITHOUT NATing. Could not find
>>>>>> anything.
>>>>> Eh? You just need to enable ip forwarding to enable routing. After
>>>>> that, it is put up the firewall rules as is necessary, build the
>>>>> appropriate routing tables on the firewall box and the boxes on the
>>>>> intranet(s).
>>>>> iptables does not handle routing.
>>>> No, but iptables controls what is allowed to route,
>>> I think this is where you are getting confused and causing yourself
>>> issues. iptables has ZERO effect on what is allowed to route. It is a
>>> simple YES or NO as to if it should be allowed to pass or be filtered.
>> I have been tested as having a significant language usage problem, and
>> am working on it. 'what is allowed to route', was a poor choice of
>> wording. What you wrote above is much closer to what I wanted to say.
>> ip src/dest is used for routing decisions by the kernel. The IP state
>> machine (check the RFC or any decent TCP/IP textbook) is really quite
>> simple. But iptables sticks its nose into the center of that state
>> machine and can mangle addresses to change how packets flow through the
>> machine, or just simplely yank packets right out of the machine with a
>> simple NO (drop).
>> So in my mind's eye of the IP state machine (my MSU CPS 410 prof was
>> death on state machines; turn in a perfectly executing assignment
>> without one and there went half your grade. See HIP for its state
>> machine) is dictated by iptables as to what it is allowed to route.
>>>> Those little words, "put up the firewall rules as necessary" are
>>>> equivalent to "and magic happens here."
>>> It's actually not magical at all... Work with the mindset of "I want
>>> to allow X, Y, and Z, then deny everything else". This translates
>>> easily into iptables rules -j ACCEPT and then your last rule (or
>>> policy) should be a deny/drop/reject.
>> That is exactly what I tried to do. I just used the wrong bit of pixie
>> dust (during some of the 'heated' IPsec meeting debates one fellow would
>> try to sneak up a speaker 'that just did not get it' and sprinkle some
>> glitter on them. He had labeled his tube of glitter as 'security pixie
>> dust').
> If you are interested in learning how iptables work, I suggest reading
> this book:
> Linux Firewalls, Second Edition
> by Robert L. Ziegler
> ISBN 0-7357-1099-6
> It covers everything from packet filtering concepts to practical examples.
Now here is a recommendation to follow up on. Thanks!