[CentOS] Re: PHP 5.2.5 when ?

Tue Jan 15 18:32:43 UTC 2008
Bart <centos at bartbaars.nl>

Scott Silva wrote:
> I can't understand why people choose an enterprise distro for it's 
> longevity,
> and then proceed to try and break it. It is almost like buying a brand 
> new car
> and then immediately replacing the engine.
Well, life is not that black and white, luckily ;)

Try authenticating with PHP to MySQL using certificates. That won't work 
with the current PHP release shipped with RHEL/CentOS. There's a bug in 
PHP 5.1 and it's fixed in 5.2. Since this is not a security bug, but 
just missing (of wrongly implemented) functionality, it's probably not 
going to be back ported.

Since certificates (and PKI) are a pretty hot item these days, an 
upgrade can be very useful.

Just an idea that upgrading is not always about having the latest and 
greatest.. ;)


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