[CentOS] name resolution question

Mon Jan 21 11:56:45 UTC 2008
Michael Simpson <mikie.simpson at gmail.com>

On 1/18/08, Joe Greenseid <jgreen at thunderlizards.net> wrote:
> Can anyone explain the following behavior to me?


from the DNS and BIND bible  :-)

talking about the "options" statement in resolve.conf

The second setting you can modify is ndots, which sets the minimum
number of dots a domain name argument must have for the resolver to
look it up beforeapplying the search list. By default, one or more
dots will do; this is equivalent to ndots:1. The resolver first tries
the domain name as typed as long as the name has any dots in it. You
can raise the threshold if you believe your users are more likely to
type partial domain names that will need the search list applied. For
example, if your local domain name is mit.edu and your users are
accustomed to typing:

% ftp prep.ai
and having mit.edu automatically appended to produce prep.ai.mit.edu,
you may want to raise ndots to two so that your users won't
unwittingly cause lookups to the root name servers for names in the
top-level ai domain. You could do this with:

options ndots:2

this would mean that in order to use FQDNs then you would need to use
a trailing "." to specify them which can upset some clients.

