[CentOS] question on "cp -f" on centos 5.1

Mon Jan 28 19:43:47 UTC 2008
Alex White <ethericalzen at gmail.com>

On Mon, 28 Jan 2008 14:25:27 -0500
Ignacio Vazquez-Abrams <ivazqueznet at gmail.com> took out a #2 pencil
and scribbled:

> [ignacio at localhost ~]$ alias foo=bar
> [ignacio at localhost ~]$ foo
> bash: bar: command not found
> [ignacio at localhost ~]$ "foo"
> bash: foo: command not found
> [ignacio at localhost ~]$ \foo
> bash: foo: command not found

Interesting. Here's an example of what I see on my system with cp
aliased to cp -i

[prata at crane ~]$ which cp
alias cp='cp -i'
[prata at crane ~]$ touch test.tst
[prata at crane ~]$ "cp" -rf test.tst  test.keytest

Thanks for that information, I need to read the howto on bash
scripting again! *blinks*

ethericalzen at gmail.com
Life is a prison, death is a release