[CentOS] Re: OT - Windows slowdown?

Scott Silva

ssilva at sgvwater.com
Fri Jul 18 21:51:18 UTC 2008

on 7-18-2008 8:11 AM Rainer Duffner spake the following:
> Guy Boisvert schrieb:
>> A discussion about slowliness or not of Winblows SP3 is *SURELY* off 
>> topic in the CentOS list!  I still don't know how the original poster 
>> came with all this in the CentOS list.  I mean, for Winblows stuff, 
>> i'd post to a Winblows list first!
> Because the idiot-density is usually lower on a non-Windoze-list.
> This happens everywhere. On "good" lists, people come-up with all sorts 
> of questions for all sorts of problems after they realize that a bunch 
> of people who actually know their stuff hang around.
> This list is not too busy - it's still a bearable volume. But I admit I 
> don't read everything.
I'm glad you feel that way because I have been having this pain in my 
shoulder....   ;-P

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