[CentOS] Re: Unable to write video dvd using k3b

Scott Silva

ssilva at sgvwater.com
Thu Jul 31 18:52:38 UTC 2008

on 7-31-2008 10:30 AM MHR spake the following:
> On Thu, Jul 31, 2008 at 9:39 AM, Scott Silva <ssilva-m4n3GYAQT2lWk0Htik3J/w at public.gmane.org> wrote:
>> This thread is bordering on discussions of illegal activity which I would
>> suspect the CentOS group would rather have go offlist to avoid any troubles
>> from legal types.
> I can't speak for anyone else, but I use all of the DVD tools I have
> (and can get) exclusively for creating my own or to make legal backup
> copies of DVDs I have purchased and, at least in the common sense,
> own.
> However, this issue has nothing to do with CentOS per se, and is thus
> at least OT, if not otherwise of concern.
> Thanks for broadening the perspective (darn you! :-).
> mhr
Well here in the "free" US, I don't think you are allowed to make copies of 
anything, owned or not. In fact someone might sue you if you have twins!  ;-P

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