[CentOS] Possible bug in ifup-eth script of Centos 5.2 (combination of bond and bridge)

Thu Jul 24 16:20:05 UTC 2008
Marco Fretz <mailinglist at blah.li>

Dear CentOS,

I think i found a "bug" in the /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifup-eth script of CentOS 5.2. i can post the my changed ifup-eth script if you want. 
Am I the first one with this problem?

- eth2 and eth3 should be in bond1 interface
- bond1 should be an interface of bridge named "iscsi"

the problem is that the brctl addif command in ifup-eth gets executed before the slave interfaces of a bonding are enslaved.

brctl addif fails if you are trying to add a bonding interface to a bridge and the bonding interface have no slaves.

my solution was to switch the order in the ifup-eth script:
- to the bonding (slave interfaces) stuff before the bridge stuff

and its working... the bonding interface gets his slaves and can be added to the bridge without any errors.

best regards