Ray Leventhal wrote: > Issue: > I've been tasked with extracting a bunch of MIME attachments (M$Word > docs) from emails which have been stored in an imap folder in > /home/<username>/mail/<imap foldername>. As the subject states, the > imap folder is about 700MB. > > Googling suggested that munpack might do the trick, but as it is > intended only for one message at a time, it outputs the first attachment > found, then exits gracefully. > > Further searches seemed to talk about mimedump, so I yum installed > perl-MIME-tools.noarch from rpmforge as mimedump this was needed, and > includes mimedump. > > I've read the man page, but am wholly unclear as to: > 1) will this do the trick for me > 2) are there other known tools which might be recommended > Mime::Parser will split out the body and attachments of a message into files. I've only used it on single files being delivered via procmail like this: use MIME::Parser; ### Create parser, and set some parsing options: $archive='/path/to/dir'; my $parser = new MIME::Parser; ### Change how nameless message-component files are named: $parser->output_dir("$archive"); $parser->output_prefix('msg'); ### Parse input: $entity = $parser->parse(\*STDIN) or die "parse failed\n"; But you'll probably want to do something a little more clever to toss the body and use sensible filenames for the attachments. I think Mime::Parser::Filer can do that. -- Les Mikesell lesmikesell at gmail.com