[CentOS] how to create an mpeg4 mimetype (OT)

Wed Jul 2 18:33:25 UTC 2008
nate <centos at linuxpowered.net>

Phil Savoie wrote:

> Hi Nate,
> The extension is ".mp4"

I think the best thing to do is rename it to be .mpg as that is
more compatible(no need to change server config).

But if you really want to change the server config you can
edit /etc/mime.types and add an entry for mp4

My CentOS 4.x mime.types entry for video/mpeg:
video/mpeg                      mpeg mpg mpe

I believe just adding mp4 to the end of the line(with a space
separating it from mpe) would do the trick. Not sure if apache
needs to be restarted after the change but it wouldn't hurt in
any case.
