[CentOS] BackupPC won't fork after CentOS 5.2 upgrade

Tue Jul 8 14:44:16 UTC 2008
Johnny Hughes <jhughes at hughesjr.com>

Ben wrote:
> Johnny Hughes wrote:
>> Ben wrote:
>>> Ben wrote:
>>>> For some time now i have been running BackupPC 3.1.0 on CentOS 5.1 
>>>> x86_64 however after upgrading to CentOS 5.2 BackupPC will not start.
>>>> "sudo /etc/init.d/backuppc start" return OK but there is no BackupPC 
>>>> processes.
>>>> This fails also.
>>>> # sudo -u backuppc /usr/bin/BackupPC -d
>>>> # echo $?
>>>> 0
>>>> This succeeds, but of course does not fork.
>>>> # sudo -u backuppc /usr/bin/BackupPC
>>>> So for some reason after the CentOS 5.2 upgrade it will not fork 
>>>> into the background.
>>>> I have run the perl debugger over it and up until the fork 
>>>> everything is fine.
>>>> Nothing appears in the LOG.
>>> With some help from the BackupPC list i have narrowed the problem 
>>> down to the NSS config, I use LDAP to resolve users and groups.
>>> In /etc/nsswitch.conf this is what is there and was there with CentOS 
>>> 5.1, with this config BackupPC will not background.
>>> <snip>
>>> passwd:     files ldap
>>> shadow:     files ldap
>>> group:      files ldap
>>> <snip>
>>> However, with this in nsswitch.conf the service will background.
>>> <snip>
>>> passwd:     files ldap
>>> shadow:     files
>>> group:      files ldap
>>> <snip>
>>> Apparently this has been seen to affect dhcpd too, but with the 
>>> "services" nss database.
>>> Any ideas on this?  What has changed between 5.1 and 5.2?
>> Look in the release notes for C5 (search for nss_ldap):
>> http://wiki.centos.org/Manuals/ReleaseNotes/CentOS5.2
>> Try my fixed RPM here:
>> http://people.centos.org/hughesjr/nss_ldap/5/
>> Upstream bugzilla entry here:
>> https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=448014
> Thanks for the pointer.
> Is your RPM any different to the one the Testing Repo as documented in 
> the release notes?

It is the same RPM, just in a different place so I can link it from the 
RH bugzilla entry too.

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