[CentOS] Re: Miredo relay port question

Tue Jul 15 15:49:39 UTC 2008
Scott Silva <ssilva at sgvwater.com>

on 7-14-2008 5:44 PM Robert Moskowitz spake the following:
> I am bringing up a Miredo server and relay on my new iPv6 network.
> I have been reading the RFC and the man pages.
> One of the many vague points is the udp port used by the Miredo client 
> in relay mode.  Is it 'random' or is it 3545?  How do I find out what it 
> is?
> Plus how do I set up my server so that the Miredo server and client 
> relay start as part of the system boot?  They do now work with the 
> service command, but just running them from the command line starts the 
> server.  My digging so far has not given me these answers....
The service command only works if the prog has an init script.

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