[CentOS] Re: configuration request

Sun Jul 20 21:14:15 UTC 2008
Scott Silva <ssilva at sgvwater.com>

>> because of a problem with remote reboots which fails most
>> of the time, and it's difficult to get into the co-lo site, and the ISP does
>> not keep personnel at the building all the time.  Only when someone needs to
>> get in, or has a problem will they send someone downtown.
> PITA. Suggest you look for another colo site or get a Dedicated Box
> somewhere where
> the Remote Reboots work properly. Not being able to get to your box,
> when you  need
> to, is not a good thing. Bad service on the part of your ISP.
Also see if your colo site offers some sort of remote access/reboot system. 
Many are only a ssh (prefered) or telnet to a odd numbered port that maps 
directly to your systems serial port. At least you can trigger reboots and see 
what happens when grub loads.

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