[CentOS] recommended repo for php 5.2.3 +

Mon Jul 21 17:49:53 UTC 2008
dnk <d.k.emaillists at gmail.com>

On 21-Jul-08, at 10:35 AM, Johnny Hughes wrote:

> dnk wrote:
>> Good day all,
>> I have been searching on google for the recommended repo for php  
>> 5.2.3 + for centos... I saw at one point it was in the testing  
>> repo, but was pulled due to no one testing it.
>> Is there a recommended repo that people feel is safe for a CentOS  
>> 5.x to get php 5.23 + ?
>> I know i can compile and install, but i like to keep as "vanilla"   
>> as possible.
> The place I would recommend getting this from is:
> http://www.jasonlitka.com/
> repo for c5:
> http://www.jasonlitka.com/media/EL5/
> I have worked with Jason a couple times since MySQL stop releasing  
> their tarballs publicly and I had to obtain and build MySQL for  
> CentOS-4 plus via the MySQL Enterprise source tree.
> I don't currently use his repo personally, but I have in the past  
> and I do know that he is very knowledgeable and creates high  
> quality, "Red Hat like" packages.  I have no problems recommending  
> his repo for latest and greatest web stack with centos.
> Thanks,
> Johnny Hughes

Thanks for the confirmation Johnny. I was actually just installing his  
repo, as it did not seem to need the EPEL as the other repo I had  
found many referring to.
