[CentOS] Dual video card, 1 monitor each (ref dual head) CentoS4.6 xorg does only 1 head

Tue Jul 22 17:16:18 UTC 2008
MHR <mhullrich at gmail.com>

On Tue, Jul 22, 2008 at 8:54 AM, William L. Maltby
<CentOS4Bill at triad.rr.com> wrote:
>> http://lists.centos.org/pipermail/centos/2007-May/080915.html
> I appreciate the time you've taken to at least try to help. Thank you.
> I had seen that in my searches. However, it's 64 bit related. I'm on 32
> bit systems. It also gets ATI drivers not provided by CentOS -
> antithetical to a subset of my goals. It was solving a different
> problem, unfortunately.
> He was trying, IIRC, to solve the problem of spanning desktops. My
> eventual goal includes that. But step 1 is to try and get both working.
> I would *like* to stay as much CentOS "pure" as possible, allowing for
> inclusion of stuff from rpmforge, extras, KB's repo, etc.

Oh, my word - how many months ago was that!  :-)

Another major difference between what I was doing and what you are
doing is that I had a single video card with dual head connectors on
it.  You are running two cards.

I don't think the problem was 64-bit related - either the card driver
works or it does not.  I am more convinced that it was an xorg issue,
at least in part because the right xorg.conf setup made it work.

You might play around with anything that gives you both monitors and
then see what comes up between system-config-display and using the ati
configuration program.

But, if you're looking for an all-CentOS solution, try going into
system-config-display and set the monitors up to be generic lcd (or
crt, if they're that old) with the right resolution settings and see
what happens that way.  I've found that to work on a number of systems
where even the "right" hardware setting did not work the way I
wanted/expected it to....

HTH, and ROR (Rots 'O Ruck, as opposed to LOL :-)
