[CentOS] Re: IPCop updates, Evolution Calendar rarely crashes now

Thu Jul 24 22:04:42 UTC 2008
Scott Silva <ssilva at sgvwater.com>

on 7-24-2008 2:41 PM Lanny Marcus spake the following:
> I know a lot of you are using IPCop where you work. They have three
> (3) updates posted, during the past two (2) days. The last one, I'm
> getting an error, when I try to Download it, and I will report that to
> the IPCop list or bugzilla after I send this message.
> "No such file or directory
> http://prdownloads.sourceforge.net/ipcop/ipcop-1.4.21-update.i386.tgz.gpg?download"
Sometimes their updates take a while to hit the mirrors. I don't think they 
delay the announcements until the mirrors are synced.
> The problem I was having, after the huge update to 5.2, with the
> Evolution Calendar (which I do not use) crashing, when I exited from
> Evolution, has almost
> completely disappeared. One or more of the updates since the huge
> update eliminated most of that problem. It seems to only happen now
> when I am going
> to log out of my Desktop or shut it down and only rarely.

MailScanner is like deodorant...
You hope everybody uses it, and
you notice quickly if they don't!!!!

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