[CentOS] Re: Centos 5.1 NFS problems

Fri Jul 25 15:58:42 UTC 2008
Scott Silva <ssilva at sgvwater.com>

on 7-25-2008 4:06 AM Mag Gam spake the following:
> I know this is a centos forum but I suppose it would be appropriate to
> ask a redhat question :-)
> Is anyone aware of a NFS client/server problem with Redhat 5.1 where
> the client/NFS do extra lookup() and getattr() calls? This is very
> similar to CentOS' problem,
> http://bugs.centos.org/view.php?id=2635
> My question is, would upgrading the kernel help? or is this a userland issue?
CentOS didn't make that problem, they inherited it from RedHat. 5.2 is 
supposed to fix that. Update when you can.

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