[CentOS] Re: Now you did it Olly

Mon Jul 28 18:25:38 UTC 2008
Scott Silva <ssilva at sgvwater.com>

on 7-27-2008 7:14 PM D Steward spake the following:
>> Well I missed something and I overwrote the encrypted bootloader on the 
>> hard drive.
> If the purpose of the encrypted bootloader was to load an encrypted
> filesystem/s, then there must be a spare MBR on your drive somewhere.
> Its not standard to have more than one MBR, but my spidey sense is
> tingling and telling me any half-decent software encryption software
> wouldnt rely on a single fragile point of failure such as an mbr which
> is easily overwritten by viruses and installations.
> Providing you are still on the net, send an email to one of your tech
> guys asking for either the location of the spare MBR, or if there isnt
> one, a new MBR to replace yours - they should have a copy of your
> original.
> Alternatively, if you know the name of the software package doing all
> this, you may be able to find (if you have a spare MBR) out on the net.
> FWIW, I wouldnt bother any PHB's with this - they will definitely not be
> amused.
Or the installer might have created some sort of rescue disk.
If the corporate IT guys installed the disk encryption, they probably have a 
corporate "back door" disk for this.

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