[CentOS] Re: Duplicate PV on HW RAID?

Mon Jul 28 21:59:39 UTC 2008
Scott Silva <ssilva at sgvwater.com>

on 7-28-2008 2:30 PM D Steward spake the following:
>> Re-install with software RAID1.
>> RAID1 is cheap as far as CPU/IO time is concerned so it works
>> well software wise, and you get email alerts if it gets
>> degraded!
> I agree with you re. CPU load, but what about hot-swap and auto
> rebuilding of arrays?
> Does software RAID give you this?
Maybe not hot-swap yet -- I think it is in the works, but you can have 
hot-spares that function very well.
But fakeraid doesn't do most of that either, and an ICH9 controller is fakeraid.

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